Enjoying Spring in Alabama

March 16, 2015 ~ a post by Dusty


Dusty watching the yard

Mom and Dad had a busy weekend. Mom didn’t get to do any needlepoint, she was outside working in the yard all weekend. Dad was digging holes. Mom put sticks in the holes and held them while Dad put dirt around the sticks. In three of the holes he said the sticks would grow into black raspberry bushes. In three other holes he said the sticks would grow into red raspberry bushes. Then he dug a trough and put stringy stuff in it that he said would be asparagus.


Dad working on first garden box

After the hole digging was done, Mom and Dad cleared three large spots. I thought they were doing this so I could roll in the leaves without dumping into trees or shrubs, I have great parents. I rolled in the cleared areas but didn’t let Mom take any pictures. After the rolling was done  Dad built some raised garden boxes.

Chopper on patrol

Chopper on patrol


Dusty resting after rolling in the leaves by new garden box.

3_garden boxes_blog

Three raised garden boxes done.

While Dad was building boxes, Mom hauled the little trees and branch clippings to the wood cutting area. Then she dug a hole in the front yard and planted some garlic. Once the garlic was covered with mulch she went over by the driveway and started digging bricks out of our yard. She found enough bricks to build a two story strawberry bed!

Strawberry bed

Strawberry bed

After the garden boxes were done Dad took Chopper and me for a truck ride. He stopped and bought chicken thighs to cook on the grill and he took Chopper and me to McDonald’s for ice cream cones. When we got home Dad helped Mom build the strawberry bed and loaded it with dirt. I didn’t get to roll in that dirt. Mom planted 50 strawberries. After that she told Dad she was very tired and was going to take a shower. I supervised Dad by the grill.

new strawberry bed

Chopper with new strawberry bed

After all that supervision Chopper and I slept real good. I bet Mom goes back to needlepoint soon.